Attitude of Gratitude

Attitude of Gratitude

 Someone asked during our Thanksgiving dinner, “Why can’t everyday be like Thanksgiving?” My first thoughts were way too literal. “We would all weigh 500 lbs., the Cowboys & Lions would be exhausted, and turkeys would become an endangered species!”

But I agree with the sentiment. I’ve heard it described as, “ThanksLiving”, “Living Thankful”, & “Having an Attitude Of Gratitude”. Whatever your thoughts on these slogans, most agree, we should pursue appreciating what we have in this life.

Far too often we take for granted the people, time and things we have until they’re gone. I know that I look back on holidays gone by & appreciate memories infinitely more than I did at the time. What I wouldn’t give to have just one more holiday with that special person who’s no longer here.

Several Bible scriptures tell us to be thankful for all we have. Most of all for the love of God. Psalms 107:1 says “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endures forever.” 

So as I sit here (thankful for my recliner & multiple football games on TV) I’m taking time to reflect on a great Thanksgiving Day with my family and intentionally planning on having an attitude of gratitude in the days to come. I hope this day finds you happy and blessed!
